We arrived at night, tired and hungry, but forced ourselves to buy groceries before driving up the mountain to the cabin we had rented. Good thing, because next morning there was snow on the ground. In fact, it snowed for five days straight, 18 inches in all, and we never made it off the mountain until the vacation was over.
Luckily, there was plenty of firewood and the cabin was cozy and warm inside. We baked a ham and had plenty of food and enough to read to keep us occupied and relaxed for ten days.
The woods around the cabin were eerily quite. The place was so secluded it was kind of scary at times. Like on New Year's Eve when the power went out and a man started calling to us from the road. We hadn't seen or heard another human since the night at the grocery store and the road was impassible by car. Turns out, he was a neighbor from up the road just checking on us.
Kathy loved the big indoor jacuzzi with a view of the snowy woods.
The snowflakes were as big as your, well tongue I guess.
Kathy really needed the stick because the road had a film of ice on it that made it hard even to stand. We postponed our return flight for a couple of days to give it a chance to thaw a bit before having to drive the rental car down the mountain.
Unfortunately, a couple extra days wasn't enough. Jim made it past this hairpin curve, which has a steep drop off on the far side, but then put the car in the ditch on the very next one. Yes, he hit the brakes, but only after the damn thing was skidding sideways down the mountain. Four hours later, a tow truck arrived but refused to even try to get up to our rental car, which was blocking the entire road. He finally tugged it once with a chain and it came sliding down the ice, stopping just inches from the guy's truck. He spat through his missing front teeth and said, "Damn, that was a close one."