New York, New York – April, 1994

A view from atop the World Trade Center. The garage beneath the 100-story building was still closed because of the bombing a few months before. Pretty brave huh? Confession: It was Kathy who snapped the picture.

Here she is again relaxing in our hotel room on the 45th floor of the Millenium downtown (in the Wall Street area). Those are nineteen anniversary roses on the table.

A view of the Chrysler building showing the gargoyles. Gargoyles are good luck you know.

Landlocked sailors go to Central Park to sail elaborate (and expensive) remote controlled yachts. In fact, that's what the pond was built for, although bums now find it useful for a very occasional bath.

Times Square is a riot. Never been mugged there. Overcharged yes, but never mugged.

Kathy sits before the bronze statue of Alice of Wonderland fame in Central Park.