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Tasty Bits

Cooking has been a hobby of ours since, well since we discovered good food! When Bryan was small, cooking was something we had to do. Now, it's more of a recreational sport. A little wine, a little music, and a lot of garlic and, presto!, you've got a good time. Maybe even a good meal too.

Here's a peek at part of the menu for our Key West Gourmet Vacation.

And below are some of our favorite recipes adapted from all over the place.

Soups and Salads

Captain Casaba Soup
Pear Salad with Bleu Cheese and Chipotle Vinaigrette
Arugula and Mango Salad with Proscuitto


Grilled Tuna with Ginger Rice and Wasabi Ginger Sauce
Poached Salmon with Dilled Fettuccine and Lime Butter Sauce
Southwestern Chili-Tequila Shrimp
Salmon Roll-ups
Talapia Turbans with Mushroom Mousse
Sea Bass with Coconut Curry Sauce
Spinach-Ricotta Pasta Pinwheels
Homemade Lasagna
Garlic-Bacon Cappellini with Guinness


Amaretto Yogurt Dessert with Fresh Berries